Order Amidst Chaos in the Food Forest
This set of images shows the method behind the apparent madness, by naming the species that are growing in each area of the picture. At first it looks like a wild overgrown jungle, but upon closer inspect it is a forest made of food!
Early Spring Flowers in the Food Forest
We took a trip to the food forest this past weekend.
Late Fall - Tree Seed Bed and Second Pond
I took a few days in early November to head-up to the farm to get the seedbed installed. I have 100 hazelnuts seeds from a variety found in Saskatchewan, 100 burr oak seeds (acorns) from a selected variety first found in the US in the early 20th Century, 100 red oak seeds from High Park, and a few hundred butternuts, and black walnuts that I had collected throughout the GTA.
Fall Farm Weekend
Thanks to everyone who came out to the farm this October. It was such a sight, to see all three wheelbarrows in use, and accomplishing things in minutes instead of hours. Unfortunately the Sunday was rainy, but the Saturday was glorious. We completed the paths, planted a bunch of spring tubers, and harvested radishes, carrots, sunchokes, kale, chard, chives, and much more.