Permaculture Podcast Interview with Scott Mann: On Utopia
I was fortunate to be interviewed about the story, Utopia: A Permaculture Vision, by Scott Mann of the permaculture podcast recently, about utopian literature through the ages, Utopia: A Permaculture Vision, and how narrative can play a role in the permaculture design process.
Order Amidst Chaos in the Food Forest
This set of images shows the method behind the apparent madness, by naming the species that are growing in each area of the picture. At first it looks like a wild overgrown jungle, but upon closer inspect it is a forest made of food!
Utopia: A Permacultural Vision - eBook now Available!!
I am very very excited to share with the world the first digital edition of the story “Utopia: A Permacultural Vision”.
Utopia: A Permacultural Vision eBook launch anouncement
I am very excited to share at the story I have been writing for the past two years about a world where permacultural design and earthcare ethics are common, is in the hands of my editor for a final edit… and is almost ready to launch!