Map of My Family

75,000+ years ago to Present

Made using my DNA which I had analyzed as part of the Genographic Project, and data about the overall pattern of human migration patterns from the human mitochondrial genome database (, this map depict one version of the ancestral migration of my parents overlaid with the overall migration pattern of homo sapiens.

The Base Map is a Fuller Projection, which triangulates the globe and allows the elements to be re-configured as required to display the information (via wikisource).

Below you can see a detailed blow up of Africa, Europe, Asia and North America:


This map was chosen as a Jurors pick for for the Buckminster Fuller Institute's DYMAX REDUX competition.

"This map makes the best use of the Dymaxion projection, by hilighting information that is primarily land-based and allowing for the paths to extend in an unbroken fashion throughout the world."

-Nicholas Felton, a Juror for the Buckminster Fuller Institute's DYMAX REDUX competition.